Student Exchange


In keeping with the Bologna Accord and its aim to achieve a European Higher Education Area through increased student mobility within Europe, in February 2010 OsEAN has established a Student Exchange Programme between its member Institutes.This enables you to attend institutes in other European countries for a short period to experience the different perspectives offered by each.

Students of the OsEAN schools are allowed to spend up to 7 days at any other part time and/or full time school which is part of the program, attending courses and/or a teaching clinic.
There will be no extra charges for the foreign course but of course, costs for travel and accommodation will apply.
Language skills of the host school’s language is obviously useful, in some cases it might be possible to have another student at the receiving school helping out as a translator, or to attend courses that are delivered in English.

As the curriculums of the European schools still differ widely, it is not possible to obtain any credits for courses attended at the foreign school. The exchange stay is done in addition to the home school’s courses.
Interested students of any of the participating schools can download the documentation from the box on the right and contact their own school to initiate the process. The participating schools as well as the names and e-mails of the coordinators are listed under Schools & Coordinators.

OsEAN European Student Exchange poster