Live Meetings

OsEAN All Members Meeting Amstrdam May 2024

Saronno - 6 Nov 2024
 Bordeaux - 2 & 3 Apr 2025 Zagreb - 22 & 23 Oct 2025
 Warsaw - 25 & 26 Mar 2026


Live Meetings occur biannually, with one in the spring and another in the autumn, typically hosted by different OsEAN Member Schools each time. The autumn meeting also includes the General Assembly, where all members can participate, but only full members can vote. Motions for the General Meeting must be submitted to the Board of Directors at least 14 days in advance. For more information about the General Meeting, please refer to the bylaws.

We invite our members to read the minutes from our recent meeting to stay informed about the latest updates and discussions. Please note that only logged-in members can access the full minutes. Minutes - All members Meetings

Board members are invited to review the minutes from our recent board meeting to stay updated on the latest discussions and decisions. Please note that access is restricted to board members only. Minutes - Board Meetings


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OsEAN All Members Meeting - Saronno, 6 November 2024

Register here

will be hosted by AIMO (Piazzale Santuario N.7, Saronno, 21047 Italy) and will take place in Saronno, Italy on 6th November 2024 on the day before the Open Forum. It will start at 9h in the morning and it will end around 18h in the evening.

As usual at the end of the meeting, there will be a self-paid Social Dinner which will cost approximately €50 per person.

How to get to Saronno

Saronno is close to Milano and even closer to Malpensa Airport.

From Malpensa Airport

  • Strada Statale n° 336, per Gallarate, Busto Arsizio, Castellanza, Rescaldina, Uboldo, Saronno.
  • Raylway Station “Ferrovie Nord Milano” , internal to terminal 1 of Malpensa airport; takes "Malpensa Express". 20 min. to Saronno.

From Linate Airport

  • Milano - Tangenziale est directed to Milano Nord, connection with motorway “dei Laghi" A9 , direction to Como-Chiasso, exit “Saronno.
  • Bus 73 ATM , from the airport to the center of Milan (subway S. Babila square) in 25 minuts, departure every 10 minutes. Line 1 (red line) from San Babila to Milano Cadorna Railway Station. Train for Saronno.

From Highway (A4)

From MILANO 23km
Motorway “dei Laghi” A9 , direction to Como-Chiasso, exit “Saronno. Strada statale del "Sempione" n° 233, direction to Varese.

From TORINO 163km
Motorway A4 , direction to Milano, interchange of Milano Ghisolfa for tangenziale ovest direction to Milano Nord, connection A9 "Laghi", direction to Como-Chiasso, exit “ Saronno”.

Motorway A9 “Lainate-Como-Chiasso”, exit “Saronno”, at the roundabout take the 2nd exit for “Strada provinciale 233”, at the roundabout take the 3rd exit Via Novara, at the roundabout take the 3rd exit for Via Varese. AIMO is situated in the square on the right (Piazzale Santuario).


Starhotel GrandMilan**** – Via Varese 23 (Saronno) – suggested for location and standards
Address: Via Varese 23, 21047 Saronno, Italien

Hotel della Rotonda**** – Via Novara 53 (Saronno)
Address: Via IV Novembr 11/13, 21047 Saronno, Italien
Tel: +39 2 255 65 077
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hotel Pioppeto**** – Via S. Madonna 15 (Saronno)

Hotel Firenze*** - VIA LEONE TOLSTOJ 23 (Saronno)

Register here


OsEAN All Members Meeting - Bordeaux, 2 & 3 April 2025

Registeration not open yet

will be hosted by IOB (12 Sente Des Carrelets, Bordeaux 33300, France) and will take place in Bordeaux, France on 2nd and 3rd April 2025. It will start at 10h in the morning on Wednesday and it will end around 16h on Thursday.

As usual at the end of the meeting on the first day, there will be a self-paid Social Dinner which will cost approximately €50 per person.

IOB inside

How to get to Bordeaux

More information will be available soon.


More information will be available soon.


OsEAN All Members Meeting - Zagreb, 22 & 23 Oct 2025

Registeration not open yet

will be hosted by HAO (Črnkovec 12, Velika Gorica 10410, Croatia) and will take place in Zagreb, Croatia on 22nd & 23rd October 2025. It will start at 10h in the morning on Wednesday and it will end around 16h on Thursday.

As usual at the end of the meeting on the first day, there will be a self-paid Social Dinner which will cost approximately €50 per person.


How to get to Zagreb

More information will be available soon.


More information will be available soon.


OsEAN All Members Meeting - Warsaw, 25 & 26 March 2026

Registeration not open yet

will be hosted by WOMA and will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 25th & 26th March 2026. It will start at 10h in the morning on Wednesday and it will end around 16h on Thursday.

As usual at the end of the meeting on the first day, there will be a self-paid Social Dinner which will cost approximately €50 per person.

WOMA big

How to get to Warsaw

More information will be available soon.


More information will be available soon.