Keynote Speaker
Prof. Paul Vaucher
PhD, MSc clinical trials, CAS health rights, DiO
Prof. Dr. Paul Vaucher has 19 years of experience in transdomain research working in applied social science, applied psychology, IT engineering and epidemiology. He has contributed to over 50 original published articles in bio-psycho-socio-medical fields. He is a trained practitioner with post-graduate degrees in health rights, clinical trials and applied neuroscience. He has experience in methodology, coding, implementing predictive rules, conceiving interdisciplinary frameworks for health management, and accounting for different perception of science between disciplines. Paul has planned and managed eight interdisciplinary pragmatic research projects as applicant with gained experience in transdomain team management. He is a trained university educator and has experienced in distance education and in teaching methodology and communication skills for healthcare professions. |
Assoc. Prof. Gary Fryer
PhD, BSc(Osteo), ND
Gary Fryer is an Associate Professor and Course Chair in Osteopathy at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Gary completed his osteopathic training in 1990 and practiced osteopathy in Melbourne, Brisbane, and currently in rural Victoria. Gary has been extensively involved in osteopathic education and research, having taught osteopathic principles, technique, and research methods at Victoria University since 1997. His research interests have been diverse and include the reliability of palpation, the use of osteopathic techniques by the international profession, the biomechanical effects of spinal manipulation, and the neurophysiological mechanisms of manipulative treatment. Gary has been an advocate of an evidence-informed approach to teaching and practicing osteopathy. After completing his PhD in 2007, Gary moved to Kirksville, Missouri, for a two-year period where he conducted research with the A.T. Still Research Institute and taught osteopathic manipulative medicine at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine. He has authored over 60 articles in peer-reviewed journals, several book chapters, and has been an invited speaker at osteopathic conferences around the world. |
Jorge Aranda
BSc (Hons) Ost Med, MSc Ped Ost, PhD
I am a British trained Osteopath (BCOM'07) who developed an interest in pediatric population very early in my professional career (BSO/OCC'10) while focusing in teaching at International level. With more than 12 years of clinical experience, mainly with children with severe disabilities, I have decided to dedicate professionally to those who are in most need. That's why I rounded a Nonprofit Foundation to provide free health care and well-being to children with disabilities and or disadvantaged. |
Orella Aylies
Orella graduated as an osteopath in 2011 from the British School of Osteopathy in London (BSO, new UCO). In 2013, she achieved the Diploma in Pediatric Osteopathy (DPO) from the Osteopathic Center for Children (OCC) in London. She was involved tutoring in the undergrad clinic and pediatric post-grad clinic at the BSO and participated to the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Clinical Education (PgCert program in pedagogy). In 2017, she took a full time position in a French school as s teacher and educational coordinator. She is specifically interested in obstetrics and pediatrics osteopathy but also in the periatal psychological field. She also loves the dynamic of student/tutor relationship in clinic and is always keen and enthusiastic about sharing new clinical experiences with her students. |
Francois Aubertin
MSc., D.O.
François started his manual therapy education in 1989 in Canada, he then enrolled in a 4-year program of Etiopathic medicine which he completed in France. In 1999, he completed a Master’s degree in Neurokinetics at the University of Québec at Montréal, Canada. In 2001 he completed his osteopathic diploma in Canada. His expertise, knowledge, and technical ability made him a very sought therapist in Canada, USA and abroad. He helped many athletes from Le Cirque du Soleil™, PGA golfers, US Marines and Navy Seals. All trusted his unique global approach to quickly recover health and functionality. François loves to share his knowledge and has given conferences, lectures and workshops in Canada, United States, France, England, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, and Mexico. |
Raphael Avanozian
Raphaël is an osteopath who graduated from the British School of Osteopathy (BSO) in London. He has gained experience in several private practices in London, before he started practicing in his own practice 3 years ago in Toulon. The educational model of BMS Formation which offers a patient-centered approach with an integration of the biopsychosocial model to optimize the management of musculoskeletal pain has brought him a new open-mindedness on subjects to which he had never faced before. Raphaël is also a Reserve Officer in the French Navy and is actively involved with two associations: The League against Cancer with consultations in an oncology department as well as Echostéo, with which he will leave this year again to supervise a group of students in Armenia, the homeland of his ancestors. |
Ronald Broens
Due to personal positive experiences with osteopathy, I came into contact with this interesting vision on human functioning and I made the choice to do this education. I graduated in September 2019 as an osteopath at College Sutherland, Amsterdam. Before I started studying osteopathy, I worked as a physiotherapist for 22 years in a hospital and currently in a rehabilitation center. Since October 2019 I have my own osteopathy practice in Amsterdam. I believe in a different and alternative view of physical functioning. I am convinced that regular and alternative care do not conflict each other. In addition to a great interest in the human body, I already have hobbies. I like boxing, traveling and listening to music. |
Carmine Castagna
D.O. B.Sc. Ost. PgCert. Edu. mROI (CC)
Carmine Castagna, followed in the footsteps of his father by becoming an osteopath. He studied at the Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia (ISO), Milan, completing the BSc (Hons) Ost degree course in 2008. From that year onwards he has been a practicing osteopath, as well as active in osteopathic education. In 2010, he became principal of the ISO, a full time osteopathic degree course college; in the same year he was chosen as vice-chairman for the education committee of the ROI Register of Osteopaths of Italy. Since 2012 is working on the professional profile of osteopaths in Italy. In 2013 is Italian deputy to the CEN (European Committee for Standardization), engaged in the definition of the professional profile of osteopaths in Europe. In 2014 he competed a postgraduate certificated in academic and clinical education at the British School of Osteopathy . It’s actually involved in the writing of the core competence of osteopathy for the ROI, and former member of the boar of Directors of the OsEAN.
Mattia Cella
Graduated in 2016 at ISO – Milano (BSc validated by Wales University). Post graduate degree in clinical and academic education in 2018 and post graduate in advance osteopathic practice-sport (PG validated by Bucks University - London) Assistant teacher at ISO since 2016. Clinical tutor at ISO since 2019. |
Giacomo Consorti
Giacomo Consorti is an Italian osteopath, teacher and researcher. He collaborated with the Sapienza University of Rome both for research purposes and as a teacher during a 1st level Master. He is a member of the Clinical-based Human Research Department of COME Collaboration and a teacher in the CERDO school (Rome), where he manages the relationships of the school with other international institutions, such as OsEAN. In 2012 he began his training in the field of medical education, pedagogy and didactics thanks to the SIPeM (Italian society of medical education). In the following years, he taught medical education, pedagogy and didactics for trainers of the health professions including osteopaths on behalf of SIPeM of which he is actually Communications Supervisor. He is collaborating with other institutions as ISO and AIMO. He is currently a board member of the ROI (Italian Register of Osteopaths). |
Vincenzo Cozzolino
Medicinae doctor and osteopath member of Registro degli Osteopati d’Italia (ROI), graduate in medicinae at Gabriele d’Annunzio University, graduate in osteopathy at Italian Institute of Osteopaty (IIO) in Milan. Attended in numerous conference as participant and as speaker. He also published a few scientific articles. He was president of ROI didactic commission, he taught odontology in medicine master’s degree. HE is a founder of AIOT and currently works as teacher and tutor. Freelance professional osteopath. |
Marianne Damgaard Jensen
MSc BSc (Hons) Ost Med
Marianne Bennison MSc BSc (Hons) Ost Med has been a practising osteopath for more than 25 years and is a Director of a multidisciplinary clinic, where practitioners aim to provide a patient centred active approach to management of musculoskeletal problems. Marianne was Practice Education Lead at Oxford Brookes University (OBU) Osteopathy Clinic for eight years and completed a Master’s degree in Osteopathic Practice Education at OBU in 2015. Marianne has worked as a lecturer, clinic tutor and examiner at several UK osteopathic educational institutions and regularly lectures at postgraduate CPD events and presents at conferences in the UK and abroad. She is currently external examiner for London School of Osteopathy and European School of Osteopathy. |
Erwann Jacquot
MSc health pedagogy, DO
Erwann graduated as an osteopath from the CEESO in 2014-. In 2017, he achieved his MSc degree in pedagogy in health science – at the Medical University of Strasbourg. Erwann has been involved in osteopathic education since 2014 and he is working at CIDO osteopathic school in Saint Etienne at the moment. |
Larisa Lasovetskaya
Larisa Lasovetskaya is the Principal of the Russian Academy of Osteopathic Medicine. Her main medical specialty: pediatrics, osteopathy. She graduated as MD in 1988 at Lenindgad Medical Pediatric Institute. In 2000 among the first group of Russian part-time students, she graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (UK). Since 2001 she is its official representative in Russia. Larisa has taken part in many conferences on osteopathy in Russia and abroad, conducted workshops at international osteopathic conferences; has publications in Russian Medical Journals and abroad. She was an executive committee member of World Osteopathic Health Organization since 2007 till 2011; member of the United National Register of Osteopaths (Russia). She has her own understanding and methodology of diagnosis and osteopathic treatment. |
Paul James Orrock
PhD MAppSc (Res) GradCertHEd ND DO
Paul J Orrock is an osteopathic clinician and academic. He has developed osteopathic courses at two Australian universities, and is a senior lecturer with a special interest in clinical reasoning and problem based learning. Paul has completed a masters by research in biomechanics and a doctorate in the development of models of clinical evidence, and has published and presented the findings internationally. Paul has also had a private practice as an osteopath for over 30 years at integrative medical centres in Sydney, Melbourne and Byron Bay. |
Jory Pauwels
Jöry Pauwels (°1976) studied physiotherapy, manual therapy & education in teaching, continued at Flanders International College of Osteopathy, moving on from student to joint principal of FICO. Professionally Jöry is active at FICO, (private & FICO) clinic and high-end physical sport (national rugby team). Jöry teaches in a number of European countries on (osteopathic) treatment concepts, education, innovations in safe & efficient mid-range manipulations: fluid build-up & non-impulse techniques and on gynecology & obstetrics. Currently Jöry enjoys his 2 children, food & drink, telemarking (white slopes and majestic mountains), traditional karate (IOGKF), (motor)cycling, rugby and golf when recovering from previous activities. Mental tranquility is found in shooting. Jöry’s mission for the future is to further the development of OsEAN & osteopathic teaching, the expansion of FICO and being a father. |
John Sharkey
John Sharkey is a Clinical Anatomist and Exercise Physiologist. Mr Sharkey is the director of the Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dublin, Ireland. John is Associate Editor: Fascia Science & Clinical Applications for the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT) and a reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Recognised as a leading authority in fascia science and biotensegrity John Sharkey is a leading anatomist in the 3D printed "fascia wo/man project", in partnership with McGill University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canada. This research is an additional aspect of the Fascial Net Plastination Project (FNPP) which has produced the worlds first plastinated specimens of the deep fascia in conjunction with the von Hagen's Plastinarium in Guben, Germany. |
Benjamin Soares
DO, MSc Pedagogic Master degree
2013 - degree in osteopathy 2013 - 2016 : assistant in CEESO Lyon 2016 - inter-university degree in medical pedagogy - Medical University of Strasbourg 2017 - Pedagogic Master degree - Medical University of Strasbourg 2017-2019 - Pedagogic coordinator in CEESO Lyon, in charge of - Faculty development and Didactic translation/pedagogic transcription to organise teacher's training – Research department 2019 : creation of the training organization : PRO-FFILE 2019-2020 : Management Master Degree
Five years osteopathy studies and D.O. later, Benjamin Soares decides to begin pedagogic ones, to become a teacher. Realizing as medicine as well osteopathy, teacher's training and pedagogy are not yet developed, he decides to create and develop a competency framework with the didactic translation. In 2019, with 3 co-fundators, he decides to create a training organization, for continuing professional development and training trainers. |
Michèle Tarento
Osteopath, Medical Doctor, Voice therapist. Senior lecturer of Histology, Biology and Embryology to medical studients- Paris VII University. Teacher of Histology, Biology and Embryology to osteopathy studients- University Leonard de Vinci- Bobigny France, CIDO- St Etienne- France, ESO- Maidstone-England, SBO Bruxelles, CEOF Barcelone. Bioenergy (W.Reich, A. Lowen) practitionner. Post modern Danse Graduated and Teacher. Conceptor of ostéo éveil® (osteo awareness®), a physical approach to optimize posture and movement consciousness and adaptability. Searcher in Biotensegrity Interested Group since 2011. Biotensegrity is a new representation the body’architecture conceived by Stephen Levin, an orthopedic surgeon, Writter of articles, speaker giving lectures, seminaries, about her original approach of fascia dynamism inspired by biotensegrity in international congresses: Washington, Bruxelles, Berlin, Paris. Author of a book in french : Construire son corps avec l’ostéo éveil et la biotenségrité (Building one’s body with osteo awareness inspired by biotensegrity) published in 2016 by Sully. |
Matteo Turinetto
D.O. M.Sc. Ost. PgCert. Edu. mROI (MT)
Matteo Turinetto is senior lecturer, clinical tutor and Didactic Coordinator for Full time and Part time program at Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia (ISO). Graduating as DO, in 2002, from ISO with a Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy validated by the University of Wales, begun his activities as Osteopathic Medicine teacher assistant and lecturer at ISO till present. From 2007 al 2014 was ISO’s Course Coordinator and actively participated the validation process with Bucks New University and developing BSc e MSc Full Time courses curricula. In 2014 reinforce his educational competencies with the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Clinical Education taught by The British School of Osteopathy where in 2016 complete the Master of Science Degree in Osteopathy (MSc. Ost.). since 2016 he's the course leader of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Clinical Education at ISO, validated by Bucks University. |
Barbara van der Leij
Barbara van der Leij was born in Germany in 1973. In 2000 she moved to the Netherlands and lives there with her husband and two children. After high school she followed the study of surveying engineering. After working for many years in this profession she was treated by an Osteopath. Barbara was so impressed by the possibilities of osteopathic treatment that she said to herself "I want to learn Osteopathy" since then shehas never looked back. Barbara started the study of osteopathy at College Sutherland in Amsterdam. In September 2019 she successfully completed this course and started her own practice. Together with a fellow student she wrote her thesis on the subject: "Visceral diagnostics within Europa." |
Rafael Zegarra-Parodi
Rafael Zegarra-Parodi is a registered osteopath in France and the UK practising in Paris since 1999. He has also been heavily involved in osteopathic education and research with previous posts at the A.T. Still Research Institute in Kirksville, USA and the University College of Osteopathy in London. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine and a member of the non-profit foundation COME Collaboration Board of Trustee. As an osteopath, Rafael has an expertise in the management of chronic and acute neuromusculoskeletal conditions and sport injuries. He is now involved in the development of an evidence-based framework to evaluate the clinical relevance of the body-mind-spirit osteopathic tenet in contemporary osteopathic care. |
Poster Presnters
Irina Egorova
V.Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Head of the Department of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University In 1989, graduated from Leningrad Medical Institute of Pediatrics with a specialization in pediatric neurology; internship of children neurology; In 1999, completed the training on osteopathy at the Higher Osteopathic School in Paris (ESO Paris), defended her diploma in Geneva, and received Doctor of Osteopathic Degree; Since 2000, has been teaching at the Institute of Osteopathic Medicine. From December 2005, she is the Head of the Institute In 2003, defended her thesis on Hypertension-hydrocephalic Syndrome in Children During the First Three Months; In 2006, became a first prize laureate at the European Federation of Osteopaths for research in osteopathy; In 2008, defended her PhD dissertation on Somatic Dysfunction in Young Children; Author of over 150 scientific papers on osteopathy, including 5 patents of the Russian Federation, 3 monographs, 4 guidelines. |
Carolina Lavazza
DO, BSc (Hons) Ost, MSc Clinical Trials
Osteopath since 2013, Carolina has achieved a Master degree at the University of Edinburgh in Clinical Trials. She is currently working as osteopath in her private practice and as a researcher and teacher at AIMO institute. Her main interests are research methodology and statistics, this is why she is currently studying medical statistics at the University of Oxford. |
Laurent Marc
Osteopath since 2012, I published a few articles about fuzzy logic for clinical decision making and osteopathic's tests reliability for pelvis joint. I gratuated in biomechanics and sports in Poitiers and Orleans University. Now, I teach biomechanics to osteopathic's students. Publications: Marc L, et al, Opening the black box: the strengths of fuzzy logic for clinical decision-making modelling in osteopathy, la revue de l’ostéopathie. 2015, 15-1, p 25-34. Marc L, Merdy O, L’influence des facteurs anatomiques sur le manque de fiabilité du test positionnel du sacrum: revue de littérature, Mains Libres, 2014, 3 : 103-9. Marc L, Matthew T. Variations de forme du sacrum: implications en clinique et en recherche, la revue de l’ostéopathie. 2013, 1-3, p 5-10. |
Stefano Pisa
Stefano Pisa obtained a DO BSc in osteopathy in 2003 at Istituto Superiore di Osteopatia (ISO) in Milan. Since the beginning of his career he works in Italy as an osteopath collaborating with various medical offices and as a lecturer in schools of osteopathy. He performs his career also as speaker in many osteopathic post-graduate courses. Since 2012 he is senior lecturer in Italian Accademy of Osteopathic Medicine (AIMO) and he’s senior clinical tutor in Centro Formazione e Tirocinio Osteopatico (CFTO). Since 2015 he is research supervisor for projects DO AIMO students. |
Marco Verzella
Ft. D.O.
Osteopath member of Registro degli Osteopati d’Italia (ROI), graduate in physiotherapy at Gabriele D’Annunzio University in Chieti, graduate in osteopathy at Accademia Italiana di Osteopatia Tradizionale (AIOT) in Pescara. Currently is member of AIOT Research Department, he also teaches mio-fascial approach and research methodology. Freelance professional osteopath. |